al·leg·es; al·leged; al·leg·ing
[+ obj] : to state without definite proof that someone has done something wrong or illegal
▪ allege a person's guilt ▪ He alleged that the mayor has accepted bribes. ▪ The mayor is alleged to have accepted bribes. ▪ allege a conspiracy ▪ She alleged misconduct. = She alleged that there had been misconduct. ▪ You allege that she stole a large quantity of money. Do you have any proof?
▪ allege a person's guilt ▪ He alleged that the mayor has accepted bribes. ▪ The mayor is alleged to have accepted bribes. ▪ allege a conspiracy ▪ She alleged misconduct. = She alleged that there had been misconduct. ▪ You allege that she stole a large quantity of money. Do you have any proof?