
來源: 非文學青年 2011-10-29 22:06:38 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1100 bytes)
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回答: 【萬聖節活動】 My most memorable HalloweenNewVoice2011-10-29 09:00:37

但是不給磚又過意不去,so here you go. 哈哈。

(1) late-middle-aged and fun-loving couple.

late-middle-aged這樣說覺得不好,我覺得知道你想說的意思,但是late在這裏是不是會有歧義?as in late apple founder. I would suggest to say a fun-loving couple in their fifties, maybe?

(2)It seems that an agile mind is forever trapped in their aging bodies. trapped覺得一般用得比較貶義,覺得這裏不是太合適. Maybe(not totally sure, 我的小想法:後麵的and they...的結構和這一句不連貫,and在那裏有點兒小怪,說話時可以,但是寫在這裏覺得不是特別好。): in their aging bodies, it seems there lies an agile mind, which amazes us with fresh and creative ideas for having fun(maybe fun ideas).


(3)the pile of costumes, some of them(change to which or start a new sentence) were made by the hostess herself and her two daughters years ago.


太謝謝文青MM, 沒磚就沒動力了。 -NewVoice- 給 NewVoice 發送悄悄話 NewVoice 的博客首頁 (198 bytes) () 10/30/2011 postreply 04:59:47



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