*=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英 參考答案》 *=*=*

回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2011-10-28 18:45:13




China unveiled the first images of the moon captured by its lunar satellite at a ceremony Monday, marking the formal start of its mission to document the lunar landscape.


中國接收到嫦娥一號首批月表照片 (China Receives its First Images of Moon's Surface)



China unveiled the first images of the moon captured by its lunar satellite at a ceremony Monday, marking the formal start of its mission to document the lunar landscape. Speaking at a ceremony at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center today, Premier Wen Jiabao hailed the Chang'e one's accomplishment as a major step in the "Chinese race's thousand year-old dream" of exploring the moon.

China hopes the probe, which was launched late October, will survey the entire surface of the moon by early next year. A picture posted on the official Xinhua news agency Web site showed the gray surface of the moon splotched with craters. China hopes to land an unmanned rover on the moon's surface by 2012 and later put a man on the moon.
