看來練得越多的讀得約好,你那24,BASIC PATTERNS已經很美化了。 這振奮人心啊,看來就是得練,別無它法,我也打算盡量抽時間聯係了。 我覺得也沒啥發不對的,我愛挑就是按照美音比較我能聽出的不同來。 希望我們最後講話都像NATIVE SPEAKERS. 加油呀! Lesson24:Optimism Basic Patterns 346. I’ve got high hopes for this experiment.(其實沒啥錯,英式就不要讀出卷舌,不過如果完全不想要口音,那還是卷舌吧)
347. I’m confident we’ll win this game.(沒有尊重原文哦,要讀CONTRACTION形式的,你是WE WILL,哈哈)
348. Joe’s always an optimist.(這裏有點OFF,不像美音,我覺得讀J的時候應該嘴向前而不是想兩邊運動,OU口腔裏麵要圓)
349. You seem pretty optimistic about your chances.(這裏還有所有的OPTIMISTIC的T都要濁化)
350. Why are you so optimistic after what just happened? (還是R音節尾卷舌的問題)
351. Optimism comes from hope.
352. Optimists always say the glass is half full, not half empty.(這個口腔裏麵要圓一些)
353. I’m not very optimistic about this new restaurant.(NEW聽起來還是不太像NATIVE SPEAKER,記得幾乎要全舌抵上顎,然後EW的氣流是直往前衝,而不是兩邊。說到這裏我發現美語發音裏麵氣流往前衝的多,好像中文氣流好多散落在兩邊了?)
354. The investors are optimistic about our company’s future.
355. Optimism is a healthy outlook on life.(EAL有點OFF了,暫時沒弄清是L的問題還是EA的問題。OU的雙元音過渡欠點兒)
356. I will deal with that if it happens, but until then I’m going to hope for the best. (EAL偷懶了。NG也偷懶了)
357. It would be better to just try to calm down.
358. Lots of people believe if you are optimistic, better things will happen to you. (IE是長I)
359. In the end, you will always be happier if you have pleasant thoughts and lots of hope.
360. Tomorrow has to be better, because it can’t possibly be worse than today. (這裏還是那個氣流問題,感覺我們中式發音有點像“肉”字兒,一聽中國味兒弄。美式首先R是撅嘴往前的感覺,而不是嘴向兩邊運動,並且OU應該口腔裏麵圓圓的)
• 熊熊的評論太好了,讓俺深受啟發! -非文學青年- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 15:31:43
• 哈哈,我瞎說的,突然發現都是一個嘴唇口腔運動習慣的問題。 -小麥熊- ♀ (77 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 15:51:41
• 忘記說FUTURE了 -小麥熊- ♀ (233 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 15:46:36
• 熊熊,ure發得時候嘴往前突出嗎?向輔音r似的? -非文學青年- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 16:23:31
• 對,嘴往前麵伸點兒,哈哈 -小麥熊- ♀ (90 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 20:28:59
• 謝謝熊熊,評論太好了!你的評論每次都對音的改進有建設性的建議,很收益!! -lil- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 19:18:32
• 另外俺的感覺是要除了注意句子的節奏外,每個多音節的單詞的節奏也要注意,可惜 -lil- ♀ (131 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 19:24:33
• 對,RYTHM是語言的一個要素,等PRONUNCIATION練好了可以重點抓節奏 -小麥熊- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/27/2011 postreply 20:29:54