Lesson22:Faith 發音應該有從A到i:的過度。
316. Most Americans are Christian.
317. I don’t like going to church. /ai/也是最後過度到i:
318. There are different religions all over the world. r沒發到位。
319. Religion is important to many people.
320. It’s hard to define what is a superstition. 美音是u,不是yu
321. Faith is often a cause for some people to fight. 鼻音不夠
322. Some people believe in miracles.
323. Fear often causes non-believers to pray. 撅嘴不夠
324. It’s comforting to believe in a life after death. 梅花愛。 ea聽著像梅花唉
325. Faith can keep people from doing bad things. ng結尾應該釋放舌頭。
326. I was wondering if you would like to go to the church with me this coming Sunday.
ch你的像漢語拚音的ch,所以你的卷舌有點過了。 ay同faith的ai
327. It’s just that I’m not very religious. 應是長音i
328. The past few years I've really become an agnostic. m鼻音不到位。 可連讀。
329. I just thought you might like my church’s Sunday service.
330. Even though you aren’t religious, are you any particular religion? 讀得不smooth