my sentences

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回答: 五百基礎詞匯的使用和練習(7)EnLearner2011-10-03 19:57:27

01. It is the duty of police to preserve the public order after an accident.
02. The torrent of tsunami damaged the generator, which was blamed for the failure of the nuclear power plant in Japan after the infamouse earthquake.
03. The journalist asked my concent to having my boy’s picture published in the local newspaper.

04. My younger boy has a massive collection of broken toys including some purched this morning.

05. My boy will surely resent if his stuff is misplaced in his bedroom by someone else.
06. The terrorrest attack on World Trade Center was denounced in most countries.
07. Many female employees experienced molest from their boss.

08. Driving to Las Vegas alone created unforeseen difficulties.

09. Posing religion belief in the public forum excited a torrent of dispute.

10. The annual union conference was postponed until next month.
11. The vitamin capsules are eaten up by my children when I feel I need them.

12. It was a gloomy job for me to grade 49 students’ homework, each of 30 pages.
