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回答: 五百基礎詞匯的使用和練習(7)EnLearner2011-10-03 19:57:27

"A fool and his words are soon parted."
William Shenstone. On Reserve

Words to learn this week


Read the following story to see how the new words are used in it.

The Frozen Future

Doctors are always devising new cures for diseases that kill people. But suppose you are dying from an incurable illness now. If only you could postpone death until a cure was found! Now massivesome people are trying to do just that. One young man consented to having his body frozen and placed in a massive capsule in order to preserve it until doctors find a cure for his disease. Some people have denounced this unique experiment with a torrent of angry words. They resent human attempts to molest the natural order of life and death. There is also a gloomy fear that the world is already overcrowded and that people have to die to make room for those who are about to be born. If the experiment works, unforeseen problems undoubtedly will arise.

Place one of the new words in each of the blanks below.

01. We have tried for over 200 years to __molest_______ the United States Constitution.

02. The _gloomy______ weather predictions upset him.

03. Will Karen _consent_______ to having her baby picture published in the school newspaper?

04. I found a -preserved----- collection of old books in the attic.

05. Dave knew that if he mistreated her, she would _resent_________ it.

06. The President _denounced_______ the criminal activities that were going on.

07. Lori feared that if she walked the streets, she would be _unique________ .

08. Owning a house created __unforseen_______ difficulties.

09. The new movie invited a __torrent_______ of disapproval.

10. A telephone call told us that the employees' picnic was _postponed_________ until next week.

11. The _capsule_______ was filied with records of the past.

12. It was a   massive______ job for just one person to unload the big truck.


Now make up your own sentences, one for each of the new words you have just been taught.


