Admire anyone who can do this!! Great writing!

本文內容已被 [ jennea ] 在 2011-10-02 23:29:56 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

I don't understand this line in Bush's book. "I ran it in 3:44. I ran the first mile in 8:30 and the last mile in 8:30." Are these some Marathon lingoes?

If I remember correctly, I believe I can finish 1 mile on a treadmill in 20 mins. So 13 miles should take me about 5 hours to finish. It does not sound that bad, about the same time I used to walk in the mall. Haha.

By the way,  based on Bush's experiences,  you should become 10 years younger on Sunday, and 10 years older on Monday. So you should definitely share your photos on that Sunday with us.

Haha, I am so bad by trying to pick holes in your sentences.

Happy training and running!

