The constant theme of material vs. spiritual conflict is one thing Ha Jin considers, I am sure. The other thing, more importantly, I think, is what A Free Life in the US means for us. Isn't it the freedom for us to do whatever we enjoy, nurture and develope our creativity, which might have been suppressed by Chinese educational system?
Isn't it the freedom to pursure our individuality? Isn't writing peotry making Nan Wu different from all the Chinese 礦工,矽工,神醫,小護士,etc, the stereotype of Chinese money-makers?
He has a restaurant and had the most menial job a well-educated immigrant could have. (the most 下裏巴人 work). He aspires to write peotry in his adapted language (the most 陽春白雪 hobby). I think that's what makes him NOBLE.