eccentric vs. eclectic

來源: 走馬讀人 2011-08-29 14:23:13 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (16635 bytes)
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Main Entry: eccentric
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bizarre, unusual
Synonyms: aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, beat*, bent*, bizarre, capricious, characteristic, cockeyed, crazy, curious, droll, erratic, far out, flaky, freak, freakish, funky*, funny, idiosyncratic, irregular, kooky, nutty, odd, oddball, off the wall, off-center, offbeat, out in left field, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, queer, quirky, quizzical, singular, strange, uncommon, unconventional, unnatural, way out, weird, whimsical, wild
Antonyms: boring, common, dull, normal, ordinary, plain, regular, standard, unexciting, usual


Main Entry: eclectic
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: comprehensive, general
Synonyms: all-embracing, assorted, broad, catholic, dilettantish, diverse, diversified, heterogeneous, inclusive, liberal, many-sided, mingled, mixed, multifarious, multiform, selective, universal, varied, wide-ranging
Notes: eclectic  means selecting what seems best of various styles, methods, or ideas while esoteric  means intended for and understandable by only a small knowledgeable group
Antonyms: incomprehensive, narrow, particular, specific, unvaried


The first cartoon is hilarious. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (167 bytes) () 08/29/2011 postreply 14:58:51

Collective is not its synonym, but comparatively close. So coulb -走馬讀人- 給 走馬讀人 發送悄悄話 走馬讀人 的博客首頁 (1576 bytes) () 08/29/2011 postreply 15:40:04



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