
來源: 千與.千尋 2011-08-28 20:18:37 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2364 bytes)
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271. We should set up camp here.

272. It's not safe to keep food in your tent.
273. This is a good campsite.
274. Someone starts a fire to cook supper.
275. My tent is waterproof.

276. I’ll go gather firewood.

277. Does anyone have a flashlight? 

278. Hunting is not allowed in this part of the woods.
279. This is a popular camping area.
280. It's not safe to go camping by yourself.

281. I can't believe (vowel: E) there are so many things to buy for our camping trip.

282. Starting a fire without matches, building a shelter from wood, cooking over a campfire, and lots more. 

283. I thought we were going to make our own (vowel: O) fire with wood we gathered. 

284. Well, the most obvious (sounds like "obviours") is that the animals will(I can't trust my computer here, but it does sound "wol" to me. I might be wrong dut to this shabby computer) eat all our food and we'll be left with nothing to eat. 

285. The smell of the food might attract dangerous (Vowel A here, but again, might due to the above condition. Or we can borrow some native ears if possible :) animals to our campsite.


謝謝你這麽仔細地聽。我覺得我的錄音質量也有問題,我IPHONE直接錄的 -小麥熊- 給 小麥熊 發送悄悄話 (243 bytes) () 08/28/2011 postreply 20:22:36



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