Morning train or Mourning train?
Lightening speed to destination or lightening speed to death?
Thunder can make two trains collide. A truck drives past a bridge; then the bridge collapses. You get kidney stones by drinking milk. You get poisoned by eating pork. None of us is exempted. Today’s China is a train running in the thunderstorm, and we are not outsiders. We are all passengers.
Maybe we need to make sure it is a bright sunny day before we choose to ride a vehicle. Maybe we need to acquire discerning eyes like Monkey King when we go to grocery shopping. Maybe we need to learn how to dash like world sprint champion Bolt in case that earthquakes hit the Tofu buildings we are living in. Surviving in Today’s China is not easy. We need super-fit body, courage, prayers and tons of good luck.
老同學了,俺就不象文青MM那麽客氣了, one brick
Sadly, all I can do it is send a few keyboard - all I can do is to send ....