在翻譯時, 我時常拿不準是用 “simple past" tense 好, 還是用 ”past progressive" tense 好。
“西翼的工作人員不知所措地走來走去,小聲地對著手機嘀咕,關起門來竊 竊私語”
"Aides in the West Wing were walking around in a daze, muttering into their cell phones and whispering behind closed doors."
原文用的是 past progressive tense, such as "were walking" "muttering" and "whispering", 可我most likely 會用 simple past tense, such as "walked", "muttered" and "whispered"...
大家能否討論一下在這種情況下, 如何知道用past progressive 比較好?