
本文內容已被 [ 非文學青年 ] 在 2011-05-20 01:09:48 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
回答: 同時學reading&writing - 請指教學英語31512011-05-18 18:38:53


I believed my hu*****and |when he told me there was no truth to the charges, but I realized |that we faced the prospect of another horrible and invasive investigation |just at the point when I thought our legal troubles were over. I knew, too, that the political danger was real. A nuisance civil action |had metastasized into a criminal investigation by Starr, who would undoubtedly take it as far as he could. Leaks to the media from the Jones camp and the Office of the Independent Counsel| implied that Bill’s testimony in his sworn deposition |may have conflicted with other witness descriptions of his relationship with Lewinsky. It appeared that the questions in the Jones deposition |were designed solely to trap the President into charges of perjury, which might then justify a demand for his resignation or impeachment.



謝謝文青 -學英語3151- 給 學英語3151 發送悄悄話 (41 bytes) () 05/19/2011 postreply 05:03:33

Yes, this book has an audio book read by Hilary herself. -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (209 bytes) () 05/19/2011 postreply 07:11:34

Thanks. Let's see if we decide to continue using this as writing -學英語3151- 給 學英語3151 發送悄悄話 (45 bytes) () 05/19/2011 postreply 08:29:30

clapping. I can tell you made a great progress in your intonatio -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/19/2011 postreply 23:20:33
