
回答: 有請法律專家流沙河上402020-01-03 19:11:55


Claims made in support of the income tax conspiracy include:

  • The courts rely only on the many cases where tax protesters lost, and ignore those few where tax protesters prevail.[3]
  • The gold fringe around the United States flag, as displayed in all courts, designates them as Admiralty courts, which cannot hear other kinds of cases, or signal that the court is operating under martial law.[4] No court has ever upheld this argument, as neither the presence (or absence) of a flag (or of any other standard or element of decor), nor the fringe on a flag (which has no heraldic or vexillological significance), has any bearing whatsoever on the jurisdiction of a court. In United States v. Greenstreet, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas noted:



從我看的來說,這算disinfomation了。wikipedia不乏假信息 -40- 給 40 發送悄悄話 (119 bytes) () 01/04/2020 postreply 17:00:10

維基百科不能作權威,但是提供了思路 -鬆濤孤雁- 給 鬆濤孤雁 發送悄悄話 (744 bytes) () 01/04/2020 postreply 19:04:11
