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I think so. Two of my friends started at 45. -kr2011- 給 kr2011 發送悄悄話 kr2011 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/16/2014 postreply 20:02:02

Sounds early. Any symptoms from them? I have a relative to have -smileJJ- 給 smileJJ 發送悄悄話 smileJJ 的博客首頁 (18 bytes) () 11/17/2014 postreply 08:11:37

Agreed, it sounds early. However, -kr2011- 給 kr2011 發送悄悄話 kr2011 的博客首頁 (241 bytes) () 11/17/2014 postreply 17:21:00

Yes. Go to your family doctor and check for sure. -smileJJ- 給 smileJJ 發送悄悄話 smileJJ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/16/2014 postreply 21:02:53

Sound early. How come do you know? -smileJJ- 給 smileJJ 發送悄悄話 smileJJ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/16/2014 postreply 21:03:18
