
來源: malpenn 2022-03-28 17:07:56 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2480 bytes)


1.俄羅斯機場有沒有拒絕東航降落, 調查報告裏沒提

Prior to the accident, the radio operator was providing position reports to the Honolulu Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (ARINC) communication specialist, who, in turn, transmitted the airplane's position to the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).

At 0123, the Honolulu ARINC communications specialist received a request from flight 583 for a deviation to the nearest airport because of an 5 emergency. One minute later, he reported that the emergency was due to a "sick passenger." At 0125, the radio operator again contacted the Honolulu ARINC and reported that there were injured passengers onboard due to "severe turbulence," and he declared an emergency. Through ARINC, the Oakland ARTCC controller then issued a clearance for flight 583 to divert to Shemya.

The airplane remained airborne for approximately 2 hours after the accident, and the flightcrew dumped fuel en route to reduce the airplane's landing weight. At 0329, an uneventful instrument landing system (ILS) approach and landing were made on runway 28 at Shemya. The accident occurred during the hours of darkness at approximately 39 degrees north latitude, and 172 degrees east longitude. 

不過從當時的位置來說,飛機距離 Shemya 島,要比任何一個俄國機場近


Probable Cause

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the inadequate design of the flap/slat actuation handle by the Douglas Aircraft Company that allowed the handle to be easily and inadvertently dislodged from the UPBET position, thereby causing extension of the leading edge slats during cruise flight. The captain's attempt to recover from the slat extension, given the reduced longitudinal stability and the associated light control force characteristics of the MD-11 in cruise flight, led to several violent pitch oscillations.

Contributing to the violence of the pitch oscillations was the lack of specific MD-11 pilot training in recovery from high altitude upsets, and the influence of the stall warning system on the captain's control responses. Contributing to the severity of the injuries was the lack of seat restraint usage by the occupants. 


調查報告太長,我隻讀了摘要,證實了我的猜想。飛行員的誤操作與手柄的設計不當有關。如此重要的操控一不小心就觸發,是設計問題 -十具- 給 十具 發送悄悄話 十具 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/28/2022 postreply 17:55:04

是的,這是源問題。另造成更大損害的是副駕駛發現前緣襟翼不當放出後急忙收回,這是直接反應,太不應該,而必須邊收襟翼邊拉杆。 -絕對匿名- 給 絕對匿名 發送悄悄話 (170 bytes) () 03/28/2022 postreply 18:47:49

查了下,對副駕駛這個應對不當的修正都沒怎麽提。或許是沒經過這方麵訓練,所以責任或許不好說 -絕對匿名- 給 絕對匿名 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/28/2022 postreply 19:16:27

調查報告裏機長說是他自己在右座飛行;還說事故發生時,隨機工程師和他都確認了襟翼拉杆在“收”的位置。 -znr0505- 給 znr0505 發送悄悄話 (47 bytes) () 03/28/2022 postreply 20:31:27

你下麵引用的原文說,結論是,事故不是因為有些機組和乘客想象的紊流導致而是因為slat放出, -絕對匿名- 給 絕對匿名 發送悄悄話 (143 bytes) () 03/28/2022 postreply 21:01:30

機長說沒人放下襟翼,這裏所引用的調查報告顯然不這麽認為。中文文章采用了調查報告的結論。看來機長有點掩蓋嫌疑。 -絕對匿名- 給 絕對匿名 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/28/2022 postreply 21:17:19

沒聽說過俄羅斯機場拒絕東航降落,隻知道飛機降落時,美國救護車已在機場等待。 -白雲藍天- 給 白雲藍天 發送悄悄話 白雲藍天 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2022 postreply 11:30:53



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