
來源: 楚之郎 2015-01-14 14:07:20 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1321 bytes)
回答: 請教有關皮疹或濕疹?zongzaipiao2015-01-13 12:41:47
3。首先,不飲含糖飲品,不吃冰淇淋和甜點,不吃油炸的一切東西,不吃蝦蟹,不吃快餐食品。目的是排除impurity 進入體內。其次,飲好的水,不可喝自來水,即使你在美加。在藥店有Green Powder 可以買,你可買給孩子衝水喝,排毒。雞蛋可買Organic,可吃。Dairy 不可吃,因為可致皮疹。多吃新鮮蔬菜,不可吃NON-organic mushroom and bean sprouts. Most important,your cooking oil must be organic or olive oil, or organic coconut oil. Eat good meats, organic chicken, wild caught fishes, no chinese supermarket fishes.At last,get some antioxidants such as grape seed extract capsules,vitamin C 1000 mg/d.
4,If you can find good chinese medical doctor, who is able to do some bloodletting, that will immediately get rid of the rashes, if your kid eats and drinks pure good quality stuffs, you will see the difference pretty soon. Of course, it is not only about skin, it's about over-all health and long term benefit for him.
5.Make sure get enough sleep, go bed before 11:00pm, get sunlight when weather is good. Good luck!

