a question reagarding child custody in US

If a minor suvived the parents, is there a order of who among the relatives gets the legal custody of the minor. Or would the court appoint legal guardien other than qualified relatives ?
Many thanks.


回複:a question reagarding child custody in US -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 單身老貓 的博客首頁 (1392 bytes) () 06/27/2008 postreply 11:57:53

Thanks for your answer. My concern in detail -pigletto- 給 pigletto 發送悄悄話 (604 bytes) () 06/27/2008 postreply 14:41:26

If have minor child(ren), you'd better write a will to appoint -Comfort.- 給 Comfort. 發送悄悄話 Comfort. 的博客首頁 (656 bytes) () 06/27/2008 postreply 15:09:30

Thank you for the information -pigletto- 給 pigletto 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2008 postreply 15:14:49

one more question for you -pigletto- 給 pigletto 發送悄悄話 (137 bytes) () 06/27/2008 postreply 15:31:48

回複:one more question for you -Comfort.- 給 Comfort. 發送悄悄話 Comfort. 的博客首頁 (497 bytes) () 06/27/2008 postreply 15:45:04

thank you again. -pigletto- 給 pigletto 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2008 postreply 15:51:38
