but what he did. 每個人都可能犯錯,能夠改正就好I can't agree more. His wife might have done wrong thing, but she regret, she wants to keep this family. However, is he doesn't love her any more, if he can't forgive her, then be a man, move out and seek for divorce, it's up to him, why he keeps torture his wife and even her mom? Everybody has parent, if you don't want ur parent get hurt, why you hurt others parent? So I don't think he is a good man!
The wife should let him go and seek her happiness, she won't get a good life if she is still with him. If she just worry about her status, actually she can find other way.
本性壞好, not lok at what he said
well,what kind of "regret"
(699 bytes)
05/14/2005 postreply
I never say she is a loyel wif
(406 bytes)
05/14/2005 postreply