and "want to keep the famly" it is ? when she said such words, at the same time, she still remained emotionaly intimate to another man and literally flirting with him. You are thinking others are idiots?? Look at you said" don't look what he said, but what did." Isn'tit funny that these words also suited the well?
I didn't see posts that the little kid do anything hurt if this was true, I will say, he behaviours badly, However, I still beleive in his heart, if you are not such a biased feminist, i believe you can feel it too.
Anyway, this is not the point that we should argue.
May your legal suggestion and help will be much more appreicated here. thank you.
well,what kind of "regret"
I never say she is a loyel wif
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05/14/2005 postreply