6. How does a manager decide whether or not a telework arrangement should be approved?
All telework decisions should be made in a fair, equitable and transparent manner. Each request should be dealt with on a case by case basis taking into consideration the operational feasibility (not all jobs are appropriate for teleworking), cost-effectiveness of the arrangement, the employee's demonstrated work habits and the impact on colleagues.
所以不論你的單位有多少人這麼做,不代表你自動可以獲得這個權益,這是問題的重點. 你的主管有絕對的權力可以拒絕你的要求,同時你要求這個安排的原因是(根據你的原文)"我回複,我要生小孩",(根據你的原文),你需要了解你的主管不會去理會你這種"可能性"的要求,否則你的同事可以用"我要中樂透"申請到加州工作,你的原因必須是非常肯定性的,事實上如果你用的原因是"如果我不跟著去,我的婚姻會出問題",那麼你就有一個很好的機會,因為這不是"可能性"的原因而是"必然性"的原因
第二點,你提到 Canadian Human Rights Act
3 (1) For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex (性別), sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.
原則上您所提到的 "fertility treatment",您必須了解是原則上不能因為您的性別而拒絕給予你任何治療的機會,同時你的僱主不能因為您在接受這個治療而影響任何您工作與升遷的決定
然而您要求 "遠距工作",基本上你的主管的考慮是否同意, as long as 是基於針對工作性質與工作需要的考慮,而不是因為您是否接受 "fertility treatment"考慮,他就沒有錯.