您說的沒錯!太對了。 這份Telework Policy我和工會都已經幫著看了。 我說的Canadian Human Rights Acts 也確實是您說的那樣,Pregnancy算作Sex下麵。但是關於這個Acts,還有一個Policy Intepreation “Policy on Pregnancy & Human Rights in the Workplace“. http://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/eng/content/policy-and-best-practices-page-1 。
這個Acts不光保護了懷孕和想懷孕婦女的升遷求職需要,同樣的,也保護了他們的和這些懷孕有關的需要。 這個policy 明確寫了 "Pregnancy-related conditions include: fertility treatment(s) and/or family planning; ...Pregnancy-related circumstances include: planning or attempting to conceive...". "Some people may need to change the way they work because of pregnancy-related needs and an employer has a legal duty to meet those needs...For example, a pregnant employee may need additional time for bathroom breaks“。而且這個Burden非常高要到undue Hardship。"The duty to accommodate ends when the employer experiences undue hardship. “我的Director自己和工會也承認了,在國外工作我們部門沒有Undue hardship (因為政府真的太多人在美國工作了)。但是她拒絕我說的是,因為我老公想去的加州,所以我不能去。我先生的意誌和我有什麽關係啊。