買餐館,給了賣家$40000cashier check, 後發現被騙。 去chase bank 讓工作人員查,說交易還沒有完成,put stop on it.
銀行的人說因為stop了, 所以對方不會拿到錢。 我有兩個選擇:
開始我選擇2,過了兩個星期,覺得心裏不踏實,決定選擇1. 今天去銀行,填了表格,然後做了notary, 就回家等回音。 過了一個小時,銀行來電,我過去問,銀行說,他們可以重新給我check,但是還是寫付給原來收款人,也就是說我必須還是付款給賣家。
如果我不想那麽做,唯一的辦法就是等90天, 那時候就可以自己把錢存回到我的賬戶。
我隻能選擇等待。 等待沒有關係,因為不著急用這筆錢。 可是問題是,我覺得不能保證這錢在90天內不會付給賣家呀。
銀行職員說因為我已經put stop on the cashier check,所以沒有人可以拿到那錢。 請問有有經驗的xdjm知道我等90天, 到底安全嗎? 謝謝!!我在網上搜索到是這麽寫的,看起來很危險呀:
When you file a declaration of loss, you make a claim to the funds, but you won’t receive the funds until the later of:
- 90 days after the check was issued, or
- 90 days after the declaration was filed
During the 90 day period, the bank might still pay the check to whoever presents it. However, if it was stolen, you can assume that the thief needs to forge your signature for endorsement or do something else illegal, so there’s a decent chance the bank will notice (as long as you’ve alerted them to the fact that the check is missing).
Once the 90 day period ends, the bank can release funds to whoever has a claim on the funds (either the payee or the account owner, depending on the situation). If somebody tries to deposit the check, it will be returned (the bank won’t honor the check).