哪個州? 你的信沒有法律依據

來源: 檸檬椰子汁 2015-02-12 08:16:21 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1933 bytes)
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回答: 大清早來向老貓等請教。NLandlord2015-02-12 07:10:42
There are several issues, the validity of the lease, the rent and the security deposit

(1) Validity of the lease.

you need to find out whether automatic renewal clause is valid in your state. In some state it requires written notifications at the time of renewal.  In some state it might not be valid at all. 

(1.1) If the renewal was invalid, they are month-by-month tenants, who only owe you 30 days notice, which they did on 1/2. They owe you rent 2/1-2/8 and late fees. 

(1.2) If the renewal was valid They do not need to pay (800x3) immediately.

This is a situation of abandonment. They owe you rent until abandonment: 2/1-2/8, and late fees. Additionally you can seek DAMAGE from Abandonment, not RENT (since they already moved out).

Because you recover possession on 2/8, it is your responsibility to find new tenant to mitigate damage

Damage from Abandonment is calculated from the date of the abandonment until (the date of new tenant moved in or lease expiration, whichever is earlier). As a landlord you have the duty to find new tenant to reduce the damage. 

In short, their liability from the abandonment is UP TO (800x3), not immediately.   You can seek recovery after 4/30, within your local statute of limitation, probably 1-2 years. 

(3) Damage to the apartment
Depend on the state law, you may or may not deduct cleanup cost from security deposit by yourself. You might be required to refund deposit in full, but seek separate cleanup damage.


S -NLandlord- 給 NLandlord 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 09:10:21

自己學習吧,州政府有的這麽好的材料,沒有借口胡來了。 -檸檬椰子汁- 給 檸檬椰子汁 發送悄悄話 (104 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 09:16:49

由於房客已經搬走,時間從2/8開始起算。不要糾結4/30那個日期了。趕緊打掃找下一家,可以扣押金。 -檸檬椰子汁- 給 檸檬椰子汁 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 09:18:58

他們在鬧事,要我全退壓金,不然告我。我並不想再要他們的錢。 -NLandlord- 給 NLandlord 發送悄悄話 (386 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 09:40:59

你那個案例是1920年的,太舊,網上找不到原文,可能是農業租約,必須按年續,和居住約不同。 -檸檬椰子汁- 給 檸檬椰子汁 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 10:11:33

我在您給的網址看不到相關的巨體的條文。 -NLandlord- 給 NLandlord 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 10:21:16

看那個第24頁最後一個問題。 -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 10:29:45

太感謝您了,看了那末多遍,我怎末沒注意到呢。和這些人打交道多了,會變得神經質。謝謝您。 -NLandlord- 給 NLandlord 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 10:44:34

不用自責,僅靠個人力量在浩瀚的法典裏找到你所需要的不是件易事, -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (91 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 11:33:11

最好還是有明文租約,避免這樣沒必要的困惑, -檸檬椰子汁- 給 檸檬椰子汁 發送悄悄話 (144 bytes) () 02/12/2015 postreply 11:05:28



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