I think she is guilty as charged.

來源: 祖母綠 2015-01-30 06:06:51 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (478 bytes)
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回答: 玫瑰和梅西的事情 湊熱鬧說說我的看法玄米2015-01-29 21:47:39
she doesn't have to admit her guilt. but any fair minded people can see though her tricks. What is the point to shop at the shop you never can afford and try all the clothes. And she happened to have not just one but two identical clothing like Macy's minus labels.

Macy's security might rough handle her, that  just served her right. Anyway without physical injury no one will award her any damage. she obviously lives in a fantasy land.


c'mon! " alleged" not " as charged" -20146- 給 20146 發送悄悄話 20146 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 06:27:57

oh, she will soon be charged . -祖母綠- 給 祖母綠 發送悄悄話 (53 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 06:30:37

those persons will only learn a lesson after sharing a cell with -祖母綠- 給 祖母綠 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 06:33:25

事實是事實;感情是感情。。。。。。 -20146- 給 20146 發送悄悄話 20146 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 06:45:39

science now can carry out test to identify -祖母綠- 給 祖母綠 發送悄悄話 (78 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 06:57:03

very good :)~ -20146- 給 20146 發送悄悄話 20146 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 07:18:13

是的。 -wolfkiller8- 給 wolfkiller8 發送悄悄話 wolfkiller8 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 08:08:56

defense need to spend the money -檸檬椰子汁- 給 檸檬椰子汁 發送悄悄話 (6 bytes) () 01/30/2015 postreply 09:30:56



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