德州,雇傭一家屋頂維修公司來修理遭冰雹損壞的屋頂。在其號稱完成後檢查發現屋頂很多地方未覆蓋完全,並且整個工程質量極差。於是我扣押了維修尾款,並提出要求他們就部分區域重做和改進,但幾經交涉未果。今天收到其一封態度蠻橫的類似最後通牒的電子郵件,聲稱已經file small claim suite 並put a lien on the home.。
請問他put a lien on 我的房子會對我有何壞影響? 現在我該怎麽應對,如果我先將尾款付清再訴諸法律途徑是否可行,且該如何操作?
We will not be redoing any shingles on the back of the home. You chose to do your roof this time of year & your other roofing company even mentioned that it was too cold to seal. That was your choice.
Once the inspection is passed by the city payment is due within 24 hours or I will put a lien on the home within intent to forclose along with filing small claims suite. Also if the payment is not paid on time you forfeit any incentives increasing your balance.
I am very familiar with the way Texas handles failure to pay from customers on work that is already completed. I am fully prepared to protect my company.