please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am getting divorce. Me and my wife both don't want to fight in court so we talked to same lawer. By the lawyer's calculation, I have to pay about $800 for child support and $1000 for spousal support. Why that much??? I am making only $4000/mo before tax. She does not have a job. One child 6 mos. We are in CA, santa clara county. Also, she refuse me to visit my son. Should I ask her sue me for the support? should I quit my job now? also, the lawer says since we just married for a year and by law, she could get 1/2 yr spousal support, but she is asking for one year. I love my son, if I go to court, can I say she has no financial ability and I want the child custody? How to calculate the spousal support in CA? She said if I fight her for the child custody, she will kill herself, can I use this to say she is not mentally capable to raise the child? Please please help!!!! She came to the states for three yrs and she did not have to work for one day, I support her 100% and now, she use this (no job) against me, very very sad.


回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -minisis- 給 minisis 發送悄悄話 (217 bytes) () 11/15/2004 postreply 18:57:24

回複:回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -needhelp20- 給 needhelp20 發送悄悄話 (138 bytes) () 11/16/2004 postreply 02:31:48

回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 (747 bytes) () 11/15/2004 postreply 19:41:41

你如果是個男人就應該挺起胸膛做人,多算責任少算錢! -的經驗。。。。- 給 的經驗。。。。 發送悄悄話 (288 bytes) () 11/15/2004 postreply 22:09:58

回複:你如果是個男人就應該挺起胸膛做人,多算責任少算錢! -crap- 給 crap 發送悄悄話 (37 bytes) () 11/18/2004 postreply 21:40:55

回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -xyz617- 給 xyz617 發送悄悄話 (136 bytes) () 11/16/2004 postreply 21:07:37

回複:回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -bbsw- 給 bbsw 發送悄悄話 (209 bytes) () 11/17/2004 postreply 18:38:25

回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -cheerup- 給 cheerup 發送悄悄話 (1534 bytes) () 11/18/2004 postreply 21:36:21

回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -qldd- 給 qldd 發送悄悄話 (834 bytes) () 12/03/2004 postreply 19:59:22
