回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you talk to your wife to postpone the divorce? The baby is so young. How can you guys still have time and mood to think about divorce. If I was the kid, I would feel very sad. No matter who can get the kid, he will lose another part of love. You change your own life, you can not change the kid's life. It has been a mistake to bring him to the world. Don't let him loss mother or father. He is so cute. And I do't think your wife can take care of him very well in the fulture since she has never worked in the US, how she can deal with work and life? Think about all of these, why not sit down and be patient, be wise? He is only 6 months, God, I can not believe this. You should learn to be a responsible parents. At least, give it a chance to try. Why not? for your son, you can do it.Think more about the kid, not yourself.
