回複:please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

來源: cheerup 2004-11-18 21:36:21 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1534 bytes)
1. $1000 spouse support seems to be ok. you can go to the court family services to use the computer run number by yourself (it's free).
2. You don't have to quit job for this half year (even 1 year) spouse support. Once it's over, you will have a new start. If you quit the job to escape from this spouse support, the court might still order you pay it. If you got laied off, that's another story.
3. For the sake of child, you need to pay the child support (remember, you need to pay child support till he/she is 18). So, be very careful when you discuss this number. You definitely should ask for joint custody, and share more visitation time. The percentage of the visitation time is a factor to calculate child support.
4. She should not threaten you on the custody issue. This is your right to get child custody (at least joint custody). If she does so, you have a strong point to prove that she is not mentally safe for the child. But on the other hand, please make sure you understand this kind of issue is not caused by baby blue. If this is all caused by baby blue, you might need to re-consider whether you guys should divorce at this moment.
5. California is a joint property state. So, whatever you earned during the marriage is joint property. when you divorce, she gets half. No need to be sad. It's the reality. Just give her whatever she deserves by law. If the steelement is within your tolerant (financial & mental) range, find a way to settle. Your future is more important.



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