advice need, please help

It is tax season. My hu*****and want me to fill my part of tax today, and said if I do not fill my part today, he will not allow me to eat. But if I need to finish those forms, I need some information from our joint tax report from last year. He is not allow me to access those files, and state that 90% of joined 1040 form report is his information, so he would not allow me to keep those files, unless we divorce, at that time he may give last two years joint tax reports. 


I tried to show him that in the instruction of schedule D, I need the information of one line of 1040 of last year, he is very angry and said I tried to find excuse to want to get 1040 of last year. He then throw those files on the ground, when I tried to bend to look at, he hurried to me and kick me, and take over the form and said which line you want. I told him, he then read out once and ask me to either write down or memory it, he will not give me the forms of last year for sure.


I was often beat by him at home by various reason, such as I against he hung over his ex's photo in the dining room, he want to please his son and let his ex to comfortably to let his son stay with him, so he has to treat me harsh (this is my hu*****and's mom's original words) especially before his son. 


I never call police. 


my background: It is my second marriage. After we married, I relocate to his state. I want to have a child, and need in vitro fertilization so I did not work. But the in vitro fertilization procedure did  not work. Before we married, I have H1b, and my boss promise to help me with green card. He is a citizen, after we married, he help me to file green card through marriage. And the final green card is in process. Because I did not have greeen card, and currently no work, I never have the courage to call police in afraid of loose anything.


My question is he is so harsh to me and to the extrme of my tolent, what should I do ? to be silence untill get green card (we already married for 3 years) or I should call police when he beat or kick me?




回複:advice need, please help -lexm5- 給 lexm5 發送悄悄話 (768 bytes) () 03/30/2014 postreply 14:03:56

家暴初犯的懲罰 -lexm5- 給 lexm5 發送悄悄話 (214 bytes) () 03/30/2014 postreply 14:10:30

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