
回答: 家暴初犯的懲罰lexm52014-03-30 14:10:30

Thanks very much for your answer. 

The problem is that there is a obvious injured area to show.  

There are couple of time I used cell phone to take pictures of smaill bruise area of my leg, and he find out later, he took over my phone and deleted them.

Only once in last year, he kicked me in bed and use hand scratched me. Two days later, I went to emergency room to document. But I did not call police as they suggest. 

In addition, there is one time when he beated me to the ground and I returned against him, he then claimed it was me who beated him if I would call police.


回複:回複:家暴初犯的懲罰 -lexm5- 給 lexm5 發送悄悄話 (497 bytes) () 03/30/2014 postreply 16:42:16
