1. 私下找CONTRACTOR商量, 讓他給我重做不符合合同的部分,如果他同意並去掉後加的款項, 我立即付款, 並讓他SIGN LIEN WAIVER.
2. 我付全款, 包括後加的$248,要求他SIGN LIEN WAIVER, 但是附加一封律師信, 說明付款不是UNDERTHE SATICEFICTION OF THEIR WORK, 而是因為 UNDER LIEN STRESS, I reserve the right for further action, include law suit again this contract, file complain to department of professional regulation(they are bonded contractor), +BBB, reviews on the internet, ect
Are these two ways OK to do? which one should try first?
Mymain purpose is to avoid they put the lien on my property.