
回答: 宇宙的邪惡軸心(上)人類拯救計劃2010-07-27 15:11:50

4 Conclusion

1. The well-known fact can not be ignored that gravity is very very weak. For example, it is 10−40
times weaker than the electricity between protons. Therefore, humans in the foreseeing future can not
design a physical precision experiment which can resolve the 10−40 strength of the earth’s gravitational
field. That means we have not had a full understanding of gravity. But scientists assume they had it
and applied the preliminary results of Newton and Einstein to the whole universe. This resembles the
situation of cycles and epicycles in the old geocentric model.

2. It is a fact that the results of Newton and Einstein deal with the motion of two-bodies. When
applied to the free motion of many-bodies, the theories give chaotic results. However, the universe
has orderly motion. Whenever a problem involves free many bodies, Newton and Einstein theories
have no power. For example, the Bode law of planetary distribution in the solar system has not been

3. Newton and Einstein theories have no power for the explanation of natural structures. Galaxy
structure is the simplest one in the observational world. Every one with common sense must suggest
that there exists a law on galaxy structure. Newton and Einstein theories can not provide such law
because they are the theories of two-bodies. The law is very possibly the rationality explained in my

4. The mainstream model of the universe (the Big Bang theory) which is based on Newton and
Einstein theories, is being declined. A new article [6] describes: Nearly every month new observations
arise that pose further challenges to the ΛCDM paradigm: Correlations in galaxy structures [7];
absence of baryon acoustic oscillations in galaxy-galaxy correlations [8]; galaxies formed already when
the universe was 4 to 5 billion years old [9]; dwarf satellites that swarm our own galaxy just like its
stars [10]. Observational data [11, 12] strongly suggest a paradigm shift for cosmology.


[6] Nieuwenhuizen T., Gibson C. & Schild R. (2009) Europhys. Lett. 88, 49001.
[7] Disney M. J. et al. (2008) Nature 455, 1082.
[8] Sylos Labini F., Vasilyev N. L. and Baryshev Yu. V., arXiv:0903.0950.
[9] Bouwens R. J. and Illingworth G. D. (2006) Nature 443, 189.
[10] Metz M. et al. (2009) Astroph. J. 697, 269.
[11] Kroupa P. et al. (2010) Astron. & Astrophys (in press), arXiv:1006.1647.
[12] Peebles P. J. E. and Nusser A. (2010) Nature 465, 565.
