NVDA PE is at 40

Still a bit high. Near $100 even below is better entry point.

Amzn is the best. Google is the cheapest but for a reason. 

I have doubts on MSFT. AAPL is a totally different animal. 




NVDA forwarded PE is 26? -BrightLine- 給 BrightLine 發送悄悄話 BrightLine 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2025 postreply 10:00:50

怎麽看META? -study169- 給 study169 發送悄悄話 (106 bytes) () 03/15/2025 postreply 10:05:08

Meta 囤積了大量AI人才 -越王劍- 給 越王劍 發送悄悄話 越王劍 的博客首頁 (33 bytes) () 03/15/2025 postreply 10:59:53

Care to share your thoughts on aapl? -寶尊彝- 給 寶尊彝 發送悄悄話 (38 bytes) () 03/15/2025 postreply 10:33:20

Aapl is like an utility to me right now -越王劍- 給 越王劍 發送悄悄話 越王劍 的博客首頁 (65 bytes) () 03/15/2025 postreply 10:59:12

PEG 相比於別的算是低的 -這樣子- 給 這樣子 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2025 postreply 10:33:47

NVDA PE is 26-28. Biggest risk is slowing growth in 2026-27 -三心三意- 給 三心三意 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2025 postreply 11:21:52
