
來源: CheGuevara 2024-07-15 18:33:48 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3485 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ CheGuevara ] 在 2024-07-15 18:35:09 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

“It was a stolen election. Based on the actual votes, Al Gore should have won going away, except for the discarding of ballots cast by Black voters who were 95% for Gore. I proved this in my report to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. One out of every nine to 10 ballots cast by a Black voter was thrown out, as opposed to one out of 50 cast by a white voter.

“Most of those were not so-called hanging chads. They were over-votes because Black people were told punch in Gore and then write in Gore, just to be sure, and those ballots were all discarded. Political scientists have since looked at the election and proved I was right. Al Gore, based on the intent of the voters, should have won by tens of thousands of votes.”

He adds: “I contend I was right about 2000 or at a minimum there was no right prediction. You could argue either way. I contend – and a lot of people agree with me – that I’m 10 out of 10. But even if you say I’m nine out of 10, that’s not bad.”


沒有什麽被偷的,他就是為了辯解自己預測的準確性。你不是在貼子裏說2000年他說是小布什嬴嗎?不是的! -成功的花兒- 給 成功的花兒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2024 postreply 18:47:04

改成戈爾了 -CheGuevara- 給 CheGuevara 發送悄悄話 CheGuevara 的博客首頁 (167 bytes) () 07/15/2024 postreply 18:58:03

希拉裏與戈爾是同一種情況,如果您認為對戈爾的預測是對的話,對川普的預測就是錯的,不管怎樣都是9/10準確率! -成功的花兒- 給 成功的花兒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2024 postreply 19:03:13

希拉裏輸與戈爾輸完全兩碼事, 根本不一樣 -數學博士- 給 數學博士 發送悄悄話 數學博士 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2024 postreply 20:00:21

請讀新聞吧,人家新聞采訪都是說他十次對九次的,沒有一個新聞說他是連續九次都對的,新聞裏也提到了希拉裏與戈爾 -成功的花兒- 給 成功的花兒 發送悄悄話 (36 bytes) () 07/15/2024 postreply 20:21:43

既然是數學博士不要想當然! -成功的花兒- 給 成功的花兒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2024 postreply 20:23:21

其實十次對九次有很多解讀的,如果去掉很明顯誰都能確定的,對於不明顯的,也許他的準確率隻有50% -成功的花兒- 給 成功的花兒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2024 postreply 20:25:36



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