NO. Prem and benefits are positively related.

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You get what you pay for.  You want more coverages, you choose the better plans. 

You can choose ONLY Part A - if you think you only need coverage for hospitalization (and with a low cap), then you certain can choose that because it is free to you.  Goverment pays the prem to the insurance companies, you pay Zero premium.

But then your regular doctor / specialist visits, lab work, what have you, would be ALL out of your own pocket because Part A does not cover those.

Actually the best option - meaning the best benefits with the least cost, is the NEW OPTIONS, particularly Part C.

Please read my long post more carefully.

Original Part A primarily covers hospitalization with a low cap.  Part B covers doctors visits and other items.

Part D was added because drug costs getting higher and higher and not covered by Part A and B.

Part C was taking advantage of HMO's buying power, to make the advantage the commercial plans enjoy, be offered to the Medicare enrollees.

I truly dont understand the thought process of some people here  什麽


thanks -trimtip- 給 trimtip 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2023 postreply 19:01:06



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