1)凡是有問到國內地址的,你們是填CHINA 還是 PR CHINA 或者是很長的全名?不能輸入標點符號
-Either is fine.
2)PAGE 5, Q11a - 11h, 父母美國境內申請,這裏填美國的住址嗎還是空白不填?
-Leave these items blank. Put your address as their address in Item# 12.a. to 12.d. and put their address in China in Item# 13.a. to 13.f. in Part 3 (Page 5).
-You misundertood the question. Read it carefully.
3)PAGE 6, Q17, 我的生母過世,所以這裏需要填2,如果填2的話,那下麵Q21a 是不是要填我生母,婚姻終止日是去世那天?再接著Q23a填我繼母的信息?或者按照時間順序顛倒一下,先填繼母(spouse 1), 後填生母 (spouse 2) ?
-You need to fill your stepmother information Spouse 1, in Item# 21.a. to 21.c. (i.e., your father'c current spouse). Then, fill your biological mother's information in Spouse 2, Item# 23.a. to 23.c. and put "Deceased" in Item# 24.
4)PAGE 8, Q61a & b, 在哪裏查對應的 CITY AND STATE?
-Find the USCIS Field Office in your area and then, put the office location information there. See this link:
Put your zip code in Fiedl Office Locator at the end of the webpage and click "Search".
5)PAGE 8, Q6a - 7, 因為這份表是填父親的,所以Relative 1 就隻直接填母親的了,
-It is your stepmother. Always put "Stepmother" to describe the relationship between you and your stepmother in the related item in all the forms.
不用再重複填父親的了? 等到填母親的I-130的時候,這個地方就填父親為Relative 1, 對不對?
By the way, did your brith certificate have your father's name and your biological mother's name?
You need to provide your father's first marriage certificate (i.e., married your biological mother), your father's second marriage certificate (i.e., married your stepmother) and your mother's death certificate.
Your father's second marriage must have occurred before you turn 18 years old so that you can sponsor your stepmother's greencard application.