父母持有綠卡,2020年1月底回中國過春節,因疫情和個人身體原因,目前一直停留在國內。在美國時候用Medicaid 白卡做為醫療保險,同時他們也有Medicare紅藍卡。最近剛聽朋友說,2020年2月24日後使用Medicaid的綠卡持有者 算public charge,對於public charge 在入境美國的時候會trigger inadmission,
-Have your parents become the green card holders for at least five years when they got the medicaid and Medicare? If yes, they don't have the public charge problem as long as they met the requirements for these benefits.
1. https://www.ilrc.org/sites/default/files/resources/public_charge_and_advising_permanent_residents_at_the_time_of_natz_sept_2020.pdf 這個關於新的public charge 的解釋正確?
2. 父母現在已經超過 180天沒回美國 了, 如果在一年內回美國,因為這個新的public charge , 他們還可能回美國 ?
-It should be fine to your parents if they got the green card at least five years ago.
如果不 能是指在中國就不讓出境 還是到美國海關後不讓入境,直接把人送回國 ?
3. 我記得在這個新規定出來以前,超過180天但在1年內回美,問題 是不大的,對?-Yes, just explain why they cannot return to US within 180 days (e.g. due to Covid 19)
4. 另一個極端情況,如果超過1年,還有可能回美 ? -That may make them trouble. Technically, they need to apply fro the SB-1 visa which takes a long time. But some people still just come back as usual without SB-1 visa, and some IO may not so strict due to Covid 19, depends on how lucky you are if you do not get SB-1 visa.