我的I-485一直處於Pending,但EAD/AP都已經拿到了。現在USCIS更新了online case status,說退回申請費,第二天就收到了退費支票($1225全額退回)。一個禮拜了,其他什麽信息都沒有,根本不知道具體是什麽原因。在網上搜索了一下,說可能是交表時間不對。我本來是EB2,後來申請降級到EB3,收到receipt後交了I-485因為那時EB3是Current(但EB2 filing date還沒到)。結果降級EB3最後批下來還是說EB2。-Did the two I-140 have the same priority date?
因為打了指紋,EAD/AP也拿到了,而且最近Case還轉到了National Benefit Center。所以也認為沒問題,既然還是EB2,那就等吧。真沒想到會是這樣的結果!
-I don't know what happened. You had better visit the local USCIS Office to find out what happened. Sometimes USCIS will feel confused when you filed I-485 using downgrading EB2 to EB3 before the EB3 I-140 was approved. I have seen USCIS declined such I-485 before. The safe way to do this is that you should have used premium processing to get the EB3 I-140 approved when you did downgrading EB2 I-140 to EB3 I-140. Thus, your EB3 I-140 approval will have the same priority date as the one of your EB2 I-140. Then, you would file I-485 using the EB3 approval notice, and USCIS would not feel confused.
請問8老師,我的情況是否是交表時間的問題?為什麽USCIS不給個明確的回答,而且等了大半年了才退費?我的EAD/AP是否還有效?-As long as you don't receive the I-485 denial or rejection notice, your EAD/AP is valid.
現在我該怎麽辦,是重新交表申請I-485嗎?如果我要重新交表,用最初的EB2 I-140還是後來降級EB3卻被搞成EB2的?我是擔心用後麵的這個I-140到時還會出問題。但最初的那個EB2 I-140還有效嗎?-Yes.
我兩個I-140都是在同一個公司工作辦好的。-Why didn't you discuss this issue with the employer or the lawyer when you found both I-140 were EB2?
另外,如果重新交表,需要先把以前的那個申請怎麽樣撤回(或怎樣Cancel掉)嗎?因為我也不知道這個Case的Status是什麽,online status隻說“This refund does not affect the processing or location of you case."
-You need to visit the local USCIS Office to see what happened first, then do the other things. Of course, if the EB2 I-140 priority date is current now, then you may file a new I-485. Anyway, visit the local office and then, talk to your lawyer.