我前後兩個EB2 I-140都是一樣的Priority Date。當初收到I-485 receipt時有跟律師說,他說不好改,等uscis發RFE再處理,因為140還沒批下來。
去 local office查詢是要通過InfoPass嗎?-Yes.
十月份我的EB2又current了,而且Filing date一直都當前。我的律師也建議用第一個EB2 I-140重新交I-485。
-Do you mean you have two I-485s pending in USCIS? If yes, probably USCIS just rejected one of them and refunded your filing fee (one I-485 is enough for both I-140). Anyway, just visit the local USCIS to find out what happened. Talk to your lawyer after you visit the local Office because the lawyer knows your case in more details.
不可理解的一件事是,我問他這次是不是再去辦體檢和疫苗報告(I-693)和485表一起交,他說不建議。他的意思好像是說I-693隻有一年有效期,現在排隊要超過一年。我不懂。現在USCIS不是說表格或證明文件不齊全就直接Deny嗎?-That is for the cases filed after September 11, 2018. It is not for you case.
I-693還可以在I-485後麵補交嗎?-If USCIS need it, they will send you RFE. Otherwise, do nothing.