給養母辦綠卡,領養手續是在我12歲那年辦的, 可是現在的派出所已經沒有檔案了,他們說隻可以開母女關係證明,不開領養證明,
-No, it will not work. You must provide the adoption certificate.
2. 派出所開出的證明是到翻譯公司去翻譯,還是要做英語公證?
-The 國內公證處 will do the 公證 in both Chinese and English versions.
3. 如果給養母辦了綠卡,以後還可以給生母辦嗎?
-No. When you were adopted, you have nothing to do with your biological parents, so your biological parents can not be sponsored by you to get green card.