她拿的就是永久綠卡 - 新問題來了

問了,看來她拿的就是永久綠卡(Category - IR6,十年期),現在新的問題來了: 從登記結婚到拿到綠卡大概一年零三個月,從移民局收到申請到拿到綠卡,一年多一點,反正無論怎麽算都沒有到兩年。希望大家能商量一下策略:

麵試當天從移民官手裏拿到的I-797 NOTICE上寫著 “Pursuant to section 216 of the immigration and nationality act you have been granted conditional permanent residence in the United States as of the date you were admitted or adjusted to such status by an officer of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. You and your Spouse must file a joint petition (form I-751) to have the conditional basis of your status removed. Te petition must be filed within the 90 day period immediately preceding the second anniversary of the date you were granted conditional permanent resident status….” 上麵還有建議什麽時候遞交I-751的日期。移民官當時就在她的護照上蓋了一年的I-551章。過了不久她就收到了I-797C NOTICE OF ACTION: 上麵寫著“Your new card will expire in ten years. While card expiration will not directly affect your status, you will need to apply to renew your card several months before it expires.” 通知上和綠卡上都沒有提到任何Condition.

1)如果移民局發錯卡了,但是檔案上麵還有她結婚的日子,不符合拿到永久綠卡的條件。 這種情況下移民局會不會收回現在的綠卡,重新算兩年臨時期?

2) 另一種情況就是一個驚喜了 – 有沒有可能麵試時交談甚歡,移民官沒有對婚姻真實性有任何懷疑,所以移民局破例給了十年永久綠卡? 當時麵試的時候她準備的比較充分,把認識7年的照片一一羅列,包括生活合照和婚禮的照片。我朋友已經相當“美化”了,他倆是讀研時認識的,女方學曆背景比男方稍強。如果是這種情況的話,是不是可以直接越過Remove condition的那一步,明年直接申請公民入籍?

