
來源: chenkun 2008-07-29 10:04:29 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2358 bytes)
剛剛我問了我的律師,結果居然發現移民局4/11就送文件給他了,他居然沒有跟我說,天殺的,移民局說因為他們同時approve我的倆各AP(不同的i-485),當初律師也沒有提到不可以送兩各AP,應該說我們也很自然就申請了,線再因為倆各同時一起approve,後來移民局發現不可以降,就deny我的second AP申請,下麵是他們的文件
On Oct 4, 2007, you files an applicatin for travel document, case xx2 on behalf of yourself which was approved by USCIS on Feb 2, 2008. Hoever, it has now come to the attention of USCIS that the approval of your i-131, application for travle document was not clearly correct for the following reason.

According to service records, you previously filed an i-131, application for travel docuemnt, case xx1, which was also approved feb 2, 2008. there is no provision for an applicatino to be in possession of two approved travel documents.

Therefore, USCIS moves to reopen the approval of the second i131, application for travel document receipted Oct. 4, 2007. This application will be denied beased opon the above information.

you are hereby afforded thirty days from the date of this letter to return to this office the second travel document approved for the application for travel document, xx2 filed oct 4, 2007.

我猜他的意思是以為我收到兩各AP,所以要我退還後麵的那個,不過我根本都沒有收到,結果現在我賅怎麽辦,律師跟我說要申請費580還有service fee 500.

the previous post about my situation

所以7/18號有打電話給customer service,
請他們幫我送request到NSC說明我的case已經超過processing time.
結果7/28號收到他們的email通知,說我的case已經被deny他們有寄notice給我 on 4/11/08, 不過我都沒有收到這種通知,我的case status也沒有這種update.
(我四月的時候有打電話希望可以expidite my AP)

所以她說他會幫我跟NSC request,請他們幫我查看怎麽回事,也有提到我收到email,說他們收到我在7/18號的request,可是email卻說我的case被deny.但我都沒有收到他們的文件.

所以我現在該怎麽辦? 我要等移民局回應我,有任何理由我的AP會被deny嗎?

p.s 我的i-485跟我老婆的i-140/i-485都在pending,至少我們都沒有收到任何notice for more evidence.


你這請的是啥破律師啊?再說你要倆AP幹嘛呀?真搞不懂你。 -blwinter- 給 blwinter 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2008 postreply 10:17:03

The problem is with your attorney. - 回複:我的AP真的被deny..小白兔,pjiang老 -pjiang- 給 pjiang 發送悄悄話 pjiang 的博客首頁 (207 bytes) () 07/29/2008 postreply 10:19:37

回複:The problem is with your attorney. - 回複:我的AP真的被deny..小白兔,pjia -chenkun- 給 chenkun 發送悄悄話 (455 bytes) () 07/29/2008 postreply 11:35:53

Write to USCIS that you received neither AP - 回複:The problem is -pjiang- 給 pjiang 發送悄悄話 pjiang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2008 postreply 14:05:57

回複:Write to USCIS that you received neither AP - 回複:The problem -chenkun- 給 chenkun 發送悄悄話 (341 bytes) () 07/29/2008 postreply 14:23:15

要兩AP幹嗎?一份拿著,一份腋著? -needwait..- 給 needwait.. 發送悄悄話 needwait.. 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2008 postreply 10:29:42

what should I do now? -chenkun- 給 chenkun 發送悄悄話 (454 bytes) () 07/29/2008 postreply 12:10:21



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