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What are the side effects of REGEN-COV™?

The most common reported side effects with REGEN-COV™ are nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, itchiness, and vomiting.  Rare severe allergic reactions have been reported in clinical studies.

Allergic reactions can happen during and after infusion with REGEN-COV™. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following signs and symptoms of allergic reactions: fever, chills, nausea, headache, shortness of breath, low or high blood pressure, rapid or slow heart rate, chest discomfort or pain, weakness, confusion, feeling tired, wheezing, swelling of your lips, face, or throat, rash including hives, itching, muscle aches, feeling faint, dizziness and sweating. These reactions may be severe or life threatening.

Worsening symptoms after treatment: You may experience new or worsening symptoms after infusion, including fever, difficulty breathing, rapid or slow heart rate, tiredness, weakness or confusion. If these occur, contact your healthcare provider or seek immediate medical attention as some of these events have required hospitalization. It is unknown if these events are related to treatment or are due to the progression of COVID-19.

It is possible that REGEN-COV could interfere with your body’s own ability to fight off a future infection of COVID-19. Similarly, REGEN-COV may reduce your body’s immune response to a vaccine for COVID-19. Specific studies have not been conducted to address these possible risks. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions.

The side effects of getting any medicine by vein may include brief pain, bleeding, bruising of the skin, soreness, swelling, and possible infection at the infusion site.




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