In the clip, Dr McAnulty announces that 141 people are in hospital with COVID-19 and 43 of those in intensive care. He goes on to provide a breakdown of the patients’ ages before saying: “All but one are vaccinated. One person had just received one dose of vaccine” 。
馬上就被這位推特上的Professor Matt Couch 解讀成了 141人住院,隻有一人沒打疫苗。接著還跟上一句評論說,事實並不隨著你的感覺走。Facts do not care about your feelings...
然而真相是什麽?當天同一個電視台的播報講得非常清楚:43 are in ICU and only one of those has had a vaccination and then just one dose.
這位官員後來在新聞發布會上更正了他最初的陳述,明確說了:“在重症監護室的 43 人中,有 42 人沒有接種疫苗。 一個人隻接種了一劑疫苗——不完整的疫苗”。
A Facebook post featuring a slip-up by an Australia health official at a press conference has been used to claim that COVID-19 vaccines are “literally useless” in preventing people from being hospitalised.
The post by an Australian page includes a link to a video clip of NSW Health’s Jeremy McAnulty providing COVID-19 statistics for July 25, including a breakdown of the number of new cases for the previous 24 hours.
In the clip, Dr McAnulty announces that 141 people are in hospital with COVID-19 and 43 of those in intensive care. He goes on to provide a breakdown of the patients’ ages before saying: “All but one are vaccinated. One person had just received one dose of vaccine” (video mark 40sec).
The post’s caption focuses on that line to claim: “The conclusion is very simple dear Watson. Out of 141 ‘cases’ all but one were injected. Therefore the fluid injected into the test subjects is literally useless”.
The video of Dr McAnulty and accompanying claims that all but one of the hospitalised cases were vaccinated also circulated overseas, including on US website the Gateway Pundit, a frequent source of misinformation.
NSW Health director of health protection Jeremy McAnulty misspoke when initially detailing the vaccination status of people in hospital. Dr McAnulty later corrected the record during the same press conference, identifying that everyone in intensive care units (ICUs) in the state due to COVID-19 was unvaccinated – except for one individual who was partially vaccinated.
The post’s caption also incorrectly attributes vaccination status to 141 people in hospital when in fact Dr McAnulty was referring to the 43 individuals in ICU.
On July 25, while providing an update on COVID-19 cases in New South Wales, Dr McAnulty initially said: “All but one are vaccinated. One person had just received one dose of vaccine.” (video mark 8min 49sec)
He later corrected his initial statement in the press conference when asked by a journalist for clarification, saying: “I think I misspoke before.” (video mark 36min 9sec)
“So of the 43 people in intensive care units, 42 have not been vaccinated. One person had just one dose of vaccine – incomplete vaccine,” Dr McAnulty said.
A NSW Health spokesman told AAP FactCheck in an email that the post’s claim regarding the patients’ vaccination statuses was “incorrect”.
“All but one were unvaccinated. Dr McAnulty made this clear later in the same press conference,” the spokesman said.
The slip-up led to a number of social media users claiming that vaccines are “useless” in preventing hospitalisation.