news: Israel in vaccinations, seeing the results.

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Israel outpaced the world in vaccinations. Now it’s seeing the results.

Data suggests that the pandemic is starting to slow in Israel. Infections and the number of seriously ill people are declining, particularly among those over 60, one of the groups targeted in the early rollout of the vaccination campaign.

The vaccine, out in the wild, is also mirroring the results of clinical trials, which found the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (the dose most Israelis have received so far) was about 95 percent effective in reducing infections.


According to data from the Israeli Ministry of Health, 531 of 750,000 fully vaccinated people over 60 years old tested positive for Covid-19 — which is just 0.07 percent. Out of the people who tested positive, only 38 were hospitalized, with symptoms ranging from moderate to critical. Another Israeli HMO, Clalit, found that Covid-19 positivity decreased by 33 percent among 200,000 people 14 days after they’d received just the first Pfizer dose compared to the same number of unvaccinated people.


Note blue lines, of 60+ years old (first to vaccinate), in the past 2 weeks: ~35% drop in cases ~30% drop in hospitalizations ~20% drop in critically ill Stronger than in younger people & not seen in previous lockdown


These patterns were not observed in the previous lockdown, see same graphs for second lockdown Yesterday we showed even bigger drops in cities vaccinated earlier






好消息 -renwukeren- 給 renwukeren 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/05/2021 postreply 21:15:00

沒有比較關鍵的數據,死亡率。 -solo1- 給 solo1 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/06/2021 postreply 06:30:45

在病例數大量下降一月的情況下,以色列每天死亡人數小幅下降,美國和英國每天死亡人數沒有變化。 -solo1- 給 solo1 發送悄悄話 (149 bytes) () 02/06/2021 postreply 06:52:55

No.1 Novavax ;No.2 Moderna;No.3 BioNTech -street0120003- 給 street0120003 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/06/2021 postreply 15:11:36
