全球健康安全指數 - Global Health Security Index

下麵的一段是從The Atlantic上的一篇文章裏copy來的。文章太長了,我實在沒興趣通讀,隻掃著看看,覺得下麵這段最有趣。 https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/12/pandemic-year-two/617528/

COVID-19 will neither be the last pandemic nor the worst. Its lessons will dictate how well the U.S. prepares for the next one—and the country should start with its understanding of what preparedness actually means. In 2019, the Global Health Security Index used 85 indicators to assess how ready every country was for a pandemic. The U.S. had the highest score of all 195 nations, a verdict that seems laughable just one year later. Indeed, six months into this pandemic, the index’s scores had almost no correlation with countries’ actual death rates. If anything, it seems to have indexed hubris more than preparedness.
