Vaccine use in those with a current or previous COVID-19 infection
PHE COVID-19 Vaccination Programme Information for Healthcare Professionals advises that individuals who are currently unwell and experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not receive the vaccine until they have recovered. This is to avoid wrongly attributing any new symptom or the progression of symptoms to the vaccine. As deterioration in some people with COVID-19 can occur up to two weeks after infection, ideally vaccination should be deferred until they have recovered and at least four weeks after onset of symptoms or four weeks from the first PCR positive specimen in those who are asymptomatic.
There is no evidence from clinical trials of any safety concerns from vaccinating individuals with a past history of COVID-19 infection, or with detectable COVID-19 antibody so people who have had COVID-19 disease (whether confirmed or suspected) can still receive COVID-19 vaccine. This is because it is not known how long antibodies made in response to natural infection persist and whether immunisation could offer more protection. If antibodies have already been made to the disease following natural infection, receiving COVID-19 vaccine would be expected to boost any pre-existing antibodies.