美國的新冠病例上升 每107秒就殺死一人

By Carolyn Crist


Oct. 29, 2020 




五天最高的天數中有四天發生在過去一周,以7天的病例為例,美國在周二創下了50 多萬例新的感染病例。




沒有辦法讓它包裝甜衣外表:我們正麵臨緊急危機,而你、你的家人、朋友、你的鄰居以及你關心的人都麵臨著迫切的危險,威斯康辛州州長。 托尼·埃弗斯在新聞發布會上說。


他們一直在敦促居民留在家裏,避免五人以上的集會,隻有在絕對必要時才離開家裏。 星期二是迄今為止國家最糟糕的一天。


國家過敏和傳染病研究所所長 安東尼.福奇(Anthony Fauci, MD),周三在與美國醫學協會,美國醫學協會雜誌JAMA(JAMA)的問答會上表示美國不太好




福奇(Fauci)在星期三表示支持一項全國強製戴口罩,以減少冠狀病毒的傳播,減輕未來數月的負擔。 但是白宮不太可能授權全國強製性戴口罩。








據芝加哥 NBC 5報道,伊利諾伊州已加大了多數地區的限製,其中包括關閉室內餐飲,限製集會僅限於25人。 由於病例和住院人數繼續增加,其餘地區本周末可能會麵臨新的限製。


伊利諾伊州公共衛生署主任恩戈齊.埃齊克(Ngozi Ezike)周三表示,隨著新的限製措施的公布,伊利諾伊州正在接近整個州執行減緩措施






一些歐洲國家已經宣布了新的限製。 法國、意大利和西班牙限製了非基本業務,實施了夜間宵禁,俄羅斯宣布了強製戴口罩令。


世衛組織緊急狀況項目執行董事邁克.瑞恩(Mike Ryan)在新聞簡報會上表示:我們遠遠落後於病毒。




U.S. Cases Spike as COVID Kills Every 107 Seconds


By Carolyn Crist


Oct. 29, 2020 


This U.S. is reporting more than 70,000 new coronavirus cases each day, and 41 states are reporting at least 10% more cases this week than the week before, according to CNN.


Four of the five highest days occurred during the past week, with the U.S. setting a record on Tuesday of more than 500,000 infections in a 7-day period.


Daily deaths are also climbing across the county, with one American dying every 107 seconds, according to USA Today.


“There’s no way to sugarcoat it: We are facing an urgent crisis, and there is an imminent risk to you, your family members, your friends, your neighbors and the people you care about,” Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers said during a news conference.


Evers and health officials are urging residents to stay home and avoid gatherings of more than five people, only leaving home when absolutely necessary. Tuesday marked the worst day so far for the state.


The U.S. is “not in a good place,” Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Wednesday during a Q&A session with JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association.


The rising surge, paired with cold winter months and holiday gatherings, creates a “bad recipe for a tough time ahead,” he said.


Fauci supported a national mask mandate on Wednesday to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and ease the burden of the months ahead. But a national mandate is unlikely to come from the White House, he said.


"We’re going to have many more hospitalizations, and that will inevitably lead to more deaths,” he told CNBC. “This is an untenable situation.”


COVID-19 hospitalizations are spiking in the Midwest as well, with 13 states reporting peaks on Wednesday, according to the COVID Tracking Project.


Indiana and Wisconsin reported their peak days during the past week, and Kansas reported the highest number of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit on the same day the state’s death toll passed 1,000.


Illinois has increased restrictions in most regions, according to NBC 5 Chicago, which includes a closure of indoor dining and limits on gatherings to less than 25 people. The remaining regions could face new restrictions this weekend as cases and hospitalizations continue to increase.


Illinois is “getting close to the entire state implementing mitigation measures,” Ngozi Ezike, MD, the director of the state’s Department of Public Health, said Wednesday as new restrictions were announced.


“This is not just a warning but a call to action,” she said. “We continue to move backwards, losing all the ground we had gained over the summer.”


Coronavirus cases are surging across the world as well, with last week marking the highest tally of COVID-19 cases so far, according to the World Health Organization.


Several European countries have announced new restrictions. France, Italy, and Spain have limited nonessential business and enforced overnight curfews, and Russia announced a mask mandate.


“We’re well behind this virus,” Mike Ryan, MD, executive director of the WHO’s emergencies program, said at a news briefing.


“We will have to get ahead of this virus,” he said. “That may require sacrifice for many, many people in terms of their personal lives.”


“每107秒就殺死一人” 不至於,這也太誇大了吧? -pickshell- 給 pickshell 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/30/2020 postreply 05:35:04

不管怎麽樣,我州新冠感染和死亡人數最近這周和以前比都增加了 -dudaan- 給 dudaan 發送悄悄話 dudaan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/30/2020 postreply 06:22:36

現在是美國第三波疫情,死亡人數有沒有超過前兩波? -TBz- 給 TBz 發送悄悄話 TBz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/30/2020 postreply 09:00:00

為時過早, -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/30/2020 postreply 09:18:10
